2. お知らせ
  3. Oil & Gas(原油 & 天然ガス)



Oil & Gas(原油 & 天然ガス)


GSC can arrange the leasing of (VLCCs) – A very large crude carrier (VLCC) has a deadweight tonnage or cargo-carrying capacity ranking up to 250,000 tons.


GSC オイル & ガスとの石油取引ビジネスには次の要件が適用されます。
1. 法人設立証明書または同等のもの。
2. 覚書および定款に相当するもの。
3. Listofultimate株主/受益者。
4. 連絡先の詳細 (名前、役職、住所、電話、ファックス、電子メールなど) を含む会社の完全な説明。
5. 過去 3 年間の完全な監査済み年次財務諸表と今年度の中間財務諸表を含む年次報告書。
6. ラッフルズが受け入れ可能な評判の高い一流銀行/金融機関からの少なくとも 1 つ (できれば 2 つ) の銀行推薦。
7. 会社のグループ所属、所有構造、株式保有を示す完全な組織図。
8. 所有者/株主の概要を示し、会社の原油購入/取引の歴史を詳細に記載した企業プロフィールを完全に更新しました。
9. 原油が処理される精製所からの検証可能な参照、および精製所の詳細/場所/仕様。
11. 財務能力/銀行取引履歴/回線設備の価値を確認する検証可能な銀行参照。
13. 3 年間の監査済みアカウント。

The following requirements apply to any oil trading business with GSC Oil & Gas:
1. Certificate of Incorporation or equivalent.
2. Memorandum and Articles of Association or equivalent.
3. List of ultimate Shareholders/Beneficiaries.
4. The full description of the company, including contact details(name, function, address, phone, fax, email, etc.).
5. An Annual Report including complete audited Annual Financial Statements for the last three years, plus interim financials for the current year.
6. At least one (preferable two) Bank references from a reputable First-Class Bank/Financial institution acceptable to Raffles.
7. A complete organization chart showing the company’s group affiliations, ownership structure, and shareholding.
8. Fully updated Corporate Profile outlining owners/shareholders and stating in detail the company’s history of crude oil purchases/transactions.
9. Verifiable references from are finery where the crude is processed, as well as refinery details/location/specifications.
10.Verifiable shipping references confirming recent crude cargoes loaded/locations/volumes/dates/charter party terms.
11.Verifiable banking references confirming financial capability/banking history/value of line facilities.
12.Verifiable trading references outlining companies that have traded/sold crude cargoes to the company stating grades/volumes/dates.
13.Three year audited accounts.